Dog Days


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Zan Dedoumo

Born: 2054
Gender: M

Zan is a student at the West Wall School, born in Sarbisi.

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Kira Dedoumo

Born: 2031
Gender: F

Kira is the Dmacin (Sea Commander) of the Port of Sarbisi, born in Sotrvau, Arodjunsja.

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Djaz Anori

Born: 2029
Gender: M

Djaz is an archaeologist and former member of the El Fwonk Science Association, born in Roox City.

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Born: 2042
Gender: M/N

Tinit is a guard in the El Fwonk Navy, serving the Dedoumo family and the Port Authority of Sarbisi.

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Brazim Maksin

Born: 2025
Gender: M

Brazim is the Akuv of the third generation of the Renegade Casanosians, a group of Arojaunzan nationalists who refused to leave historical Arodjunsja during the Arojaunzan Exodus of 2040.

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Oni Gerwe

Born: 2038
Gender: F

Oni is a former member of the El Fwonk Science Association, born in Fwonn.

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Vezi Djorox

Born: 2049
Gender: M

Vezi is a member of Djaz’s archaeological team, born in Sojarun.

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Born: 2036
Gender: M

Djonato is a former member of the El Fwonk Science Association, born in Krakeric.

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Born: ???
Gender: M

‘Moth’ is a pup who seems to be able to turn into some giant moth-like creature, discovered by Djaz in the ruins of the Temple of Bez by Djaz Anori.

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Born: ???
Gender: F

??? is a mysterious being who seems to hold power over the Moth and can apparently ready minds or something.

For more information, see the YouTube channel Agma Schwa